From fear, lack, and limitation
to bold confidence, empowerment and action 🔥!

Where women become fierce and unapologetic about who they are and how they serve.

We catapult
your leadership destiny
through spirituality, energetics, embodiment + strategy

Ready to revolutionise your life, leadership potential and business?

It’s a year from now, you’ve released your crippling self-doubt, that voice inside your head that’s stopping you from making bold as F*ck moves is gone and you’ve become so confident and powerful you don’t even recognise yourself 🔥!

Fear is no longer holding you back and you’ve taken that massive, AUDACIOUS action your soul’s been dreaming of 🔥🔥🔥!
The one that excites and terrifies you…. 😉

You’ve become UNSTOPPABLE!

Your business has skyrocketed! You’re attracting holy F*ck I can’t believe it clientsopportunities, and abundance!

Now you're pinching yourself because WOW this is the life you get to lead! Success is no longer soul-draining 🥳!

That word doesn’t exist in our vocabulary! Especially not with our transformative experiences!!!

Let me introduce you to….
LeadHERS academy.

Empowering you to create
OMG I can’t
believe this is my life, business
and impact!

👋🏼 Say goodbye to self-doubt!
👋🏼 Hello empowerment and unlimited
potential 🔥!

Ready to create a life and business you’re

Picture this

LeadHERS will empower you to

✨Own your space and speak unapogetically ! Become the woman who strides into any room, causing a sea of whiplash as your confidence radiates!

No more shrinking yourself, your voice…
And feeling incredibly heightened, worried and fearful that you said the wrong thing everytime you speak your un-filtered truth.

👋🏼 Goodbye, self-doubt and insecurity!
👋🏼Hello, no f*cks given, this is your take me or leave me era.

✨Stop overthinking what your right next move is. Embody an unshakable sense of self-trust to take your boldest leap yet.

Master your feminine leadership, no more slogging away at your computer Queen - this is where you master the art of achieving more by doing less!

Activate your spiritual and self-guidance system. Say so long to being dazed in a drab crowd of followers - Shine so bright in your authentic sauce that HATERS’ EYES BURN AS THEY WATCH YOU OWN IT

✨Release paralyzing perfectionism, self-sabotage,
and lack of direction. Embody your full body F*ck yes in every arena and take BOLD AF action. 🔥

✨EMBODY your POWER, and know that you’re BRINGING IT in your business as an INDUSTRY LEADER!

Become an emotional embodiment Queen! Learn to make love to your fear, shame, and pain.
Yes… I’m over here alchemising my pain, unlocking my power, and becoming unstoppable.

Get ready to…

your truth unapologetically.
Even if you’re currently scared to own your voice, and share your SPICINESS 😉!

while expanding your business.
You know, Confident. Powerful. Relaxed. And hella clear. Yes it’s possible & I’m stoked for you to experience it

✨Connect (and stay) in a consistent rhythm of trust with yourself, your mystic abilities, and your spiritual self.
Even if you have no idea what that means or why it’s key to unlocking your potential !!!! SAAAY WHAT ??? But also curious - You are in the right place. See you inside. 😉

✨ Sayonara to doom scrolling and constantly thinking, “F*CK, how did she do that?”
Become the woman everyone is asking, “DAMN, what’s her secret?

SIMPLIFY the f*ck out of your decision-making process!
Become THAT BOSS WOMAN who “can’t relate” to people who keep second-guessing themselves and who aren’t executing their visions in the blink of an eye!

Who am I to support you?
Great question,
Hi, I’m Ghislain, CEO + founder of LeadHERS Academy

I’ve made a name for myself by empowering female leaders to release their limitations, embody their sacred power, and design lives and businesses they're amazed and obsessed with.

👋🏼 I said see you later to a soul-draining, “successful” corporate career, and hello to a light my soul on fire, holy f*ck, I can’t believe this is my life and purpose-led business ❤️

✨ My mornings start with slow ocean swims, devotion to my needs, and serving the most incredible soul-aligned clients🔥

✨ I have created more success, abundance, and fulfilment in 3 years than I achieved in 8 years of killing myself in the corporate world 🫠🫠🫠!

The best part
- I’ve done it from a place of alignment and fun.

Queen…This is where building empires is fun, expansive, and pleasurable ❤ ️!


🔥 By mastering my unique energetic frequencies to unlock my unlimited potential and creativity! I learned how to achieve way more in less time from a place of flow!

🔥 Releasing and alchemising my limitations, trauma, and pain into creative masterpieces and purpose. Hello, freedom from the shackles of my past.

🔥 Connecting to the sacred wisdom of my body, my soul’s unlimited potential and spiritual team. I began to embody how powerful, confident, and creative I am.


and I want to help YOU become the SAME!

You should know…it wasn’t always like this for me…

There was a time when…
I was disempowered, held back by a lack of confidence, and had a big vision but felt scared to take the next leap!

Despite knowing I was here to be a global leader!
I still felt held back by my past, limitations, and beliefs that I wasn’t good enough.

Fast forward to today!

I’ve facilitated global experiences, worked with leading women + organisations, created a successful business and moved to my dream destination.

What shifted?

My answer will take program form in LeadHERS Acadamy

For the first time ever

I’m pulling back the curtain on everything in my world of leadership, business and purpose.

In LeadHERS, I’ll share everything I’ve learned to help you release your limitations, embody your power, and take your biggest steps yet! 🔥🔥🔥

Without hustling, burning out, and your fears of not being good enough constantly holding you back.

We will ignite your leadership potential

LeadHERS runs for 12 months and includes

The full curriculum outlined below is the outline I’m working off.
FULL DISCLAIMER: This program is intuitive and co-created LIVE with YOU!
This means that slight shifts and “what?! This too?! ” surprises are guaranteed

  • We begin on 21/01/25 🔥
    Call times will be scheduled when Ghislain has a better understanding of the different time zones of all who enroll.
    This allows us to be friendly to our global clients.

  • 24 x 90-minute group calls via Zoom.
    2 x calls a month

  • 12 months membership to our exclusive LedHERS Community - 🔥 The hottest private community on the net
    🔥 Access to content, practices, and all calls. Miss a call? No worries, the replays will be here
    🔥 12 months of support through our community portal. This is where you can ask questions, and receive support and guidance from Ghislain.
    🔥 Exclusive LeadHERS powerful meditations, embodiment practices, and attunemnets to support your growth and transformation. These won’t be available anywhere ELSE! These practices will be tailored to the needs and unique energy of the group.

  • Weekly intuitive guidance from Ghislain inside LedHers Community
    Ghislain will tap into the group’s energy providing support, intuitive guidance, and psychic and channelled insights. This will all be saved in the LeadHERS community hub.

  • Graduate into our exclusive LeadHERS alumni community
    Where you will stay connected to a growing community of industry-leading women!
    This is the room you’re going to want to be in.


A $3,000 USD deposit is required to secure your place.
12 x Monthly payments of $1,170 USD.


Pay in full
$15,000.00 USD

We have 3 x scholarships available.

Your pathway to transformation

3-part framework


Identify + release your limitations


Connect to your body + awaken your mystic abilities


Embody your confidence, power + your souls potential

Taking you from being stuck, limited, and lacking confidence
fiercely embodying your confidence, self-trust + unlimited self


Tired of being held back by your limitations? This is why we begin by discovering your mindset, habits and current identities to determine if they’re serving or sabotaging you, your potential and your next steps.

For you to become BOLD and Unstoppable we begin by releasing all the ways you’re limiting your expression.
Once we know how you’re holding yourself back…. We can align you with your most powerful self!

Through this, you will

🔥 Silence your critical voice and self-doubt
🔥 Release habits that are keeping you stuck
🔥 Release old identities that are preventing you from moving forward

Through coaching, embodiment, and different meditation practices, you will be guided through your conscious and subconscious mind and physical, energetic, and spiritual bodies to release imprints from this life, your ancestors’ lives, and all other past lives that are stopping you from embodying your full potential.

These imprints hold you back because they stop you from:

🔥 Confidently backing yourself, your ideas and taking your next steps in business
🔥 Speaking up and sharing your unique perspective or opinion
🔥 Taking bold, aligned action because you keep second-guessing yourself

Topics include:

  • Mindset, identity + limiting beliefs
    Identify and release identities, limiting beliefs, and mindsets that are keeping you small, stuck, and stopping you from embodying your soul potential.

  • Emotional embodiment, including cultivating the sacred practice of rage
    We excavate trapped emotions, memories, and trauma imprints that are limiting your expression, and keeping you stuck in your current reality.

  • Your witch wound and ancestral imprints
    Your witch wound and ancestral imprints limit your expression, and stop you from speaking up and being seen in your most powerful capacity. Connecting and releasing these imprints frees your soul and reconnects you with your sacred power!

LeadHERS Curriculum


Ready to be the leader who stands out amongst the crowd with your unique genius?

Tired of doubting yourself, your genius, and what your right next step is?

Fed up with feeling like you're constantly searching for how they did it, implementing others’ strategies with little success to no success?|

Ready to find your authentic magic? That attracts opportunities like bees to honey….

Envision yourself being so tapped into your unique knowing, guidance system, and creative genius that you conceptualize, create, and execute in the blink of an eye…

No more second-guessing your every move! Because you know exactly what to do, how to do it + where you’re going!

Activate awakens your soul, your intuition, and your spiritual guidance system. Igniting your full-body F*ck yes knowing, your unlimited leadership and the creative potential of your soul and spiritual team.

Through coaching, embodiment, and meditation practices we activate your mystic channels, abilities, and the spiritual pathways of your body. Connecting you with the elements, universal consciousness, ancestors, guides, and spiritual self, you will learn how to co-create, work, and harness your unique spiritual gifts to create mind-blowing success. 🤯

Expanding your human potential to be self, soul, and spiritually guided. 🔥🔥🔥

You will learn to:

🔥 Lead from your soul’s authentic voice and your spiritual genius.
🔥 Embody the unlimited potential of your soul + spiritual team.
🔥 Activate your spiritual channels and awaken your mystic abilities to co-create beyond your wildest expectations.
🔥 Make decisions that are in alignment with your soul’s purpose and mission to create a deeper impact.
🔥 Develop your own business + leadership strategies to achieve success, instead of following the crowd.
🔥 No longer be held back by self-doubt, fear, and anxiety, because your entire body will know what the right next steps are.
🔥 Create from a place of alignment.
🔥 Master your energetics of business to unlock your potential.

What does your spiritual connection have to do with leadership you might be wondering?
Great question, being spiritually connected activates your unlimited potential, inspiration, and creativity.

By activating your unique magic you stand out from the crowd ✨

As AI continues to emerge, those who are spiritually connected will be world leaders, innovators, and top businesses because they will be tapped into the unique genius of their soul and spiritual team.

Ready to be ahead of the game? LeadHERS is for you!

Queen, no computer in the world can replicate your SOULS MAGIC ✨!
This is where you embody your power, build your empire, and change the world.

Topics include:

  • Your leadership energetics
    Harness your energetic frequencies to manage your energy, not your time.

  • Your body, intuition, and innate wisdom
    Connect to your body’s compass and guidance systems to lead in alignment with your soul. Embody your unfuckwithable confidence, trust, and knowing, so you can take your next expansive step.

  • Activate your spiritual channels
    Open the pathways to connect with your soul and spiritual team to be guided by their wisdom.

  • Your cyclical power + the natural world
    Discover how to harness the powers of the natural world, elements, and seasons to unlock your leadership potential. Learn to co-create and manifest beyond expectations and stay grounded in times of turbulence by harnessing the power of the earth.


Imagine being so connected to your inner voice, confidence and power, that you never have to doubt yourself, your choices or what the next right move is! 🔥🔥🔥

Through energetic embodiment, coaching, and strategy Create awakens your guidance system, opens your pathways to self-expression, and re-empowers you with your inner force.

Making you unstoppable! Ready to walk into any room and own it… and take your boldest leap yet! (you know that one you’re dreaming of but you’re too terrified to take) “wink.”🔥

No more hiding you in the corner…. It’s your time to shine Queen!

Through this, you will

Embody your power and creative potential.
🔥 Fiercely speak your truth, no matter where you are.
🔥 Awaken your unshakable confidence.
🔥 Create from a place of alignment.
🔥 Connect and embody the energetics of your soul’s unlimited potential.
🔥 Master the energetics of your business and leadership potential. Creating bold as F*ck strategies to move forward.
🔥 Ignite your leadership potential.

Topics include:

  • The powerhouse of your womb
    Embody the power of your womb and creatrix to awaken your confidence, trust, and personal power.

  • Your vulva and self-expression
    Open the pathways to your vulva to embody your bold self-expression, and say goodbye to days of dimming your light, not speaking up, and feeling like an imposture, despite being incredibly successful!

    After this session, you’ll speak your truth, no matter where you are, you will unlock your creativity, and become the woman who makes heads turn when you walk into a room, and jaws drop when you speak!

  • The sacred practice of rest
    Tired of success equalling burnout, not in our programs!
    You will learn to create from a place of alignment! So you can achieve more, while doing less!

  • The energetics of your soul’s potential
    Master your unique energetic frequencies to unlock your leadership potential, so you can take massive aligned action.

🔥 Ignite your self-leadership 🔥
develop an unwavering sense of self-trust
and create a monumental impact

Video testimonials

What our clients are saying

Ready to find your leadership G-Spot

Achieve success, deepen your impact + create your dream life…

ALL from a place of alignment

We’re empowering a new generation of WILD FEMALE LEADERS

Who are trailblazers of change

This program IS for
you if

  • You’re a visionary woman who sees business as a vehicle for change and you're ready to become wildly obsessed with the impact you create.

  • You’re ready to embody more confidence, power, fun, and pleasure into your life and create a legacy that serves humanity.

  • You're ready to expand yourself, your team, and your business into deeper layers of your soul's mission.

  • You’re ready to take radical responsibility for what’s holding you back, release what isn’t serving you, and take aligned action towards your future.

  • You know your most powerful self goes beyond surface level and you’re ready to unleash her 🔥!

  • You're ready to open your spiritual channels and are curious to learn how awakening your mystic abilities is the key to awakening your unlimited potential.

This program is NOT for you if

  • You’re not ready to commit to your growth, healing and transformation.

  • Believe an external influence is going to create the future you desire.

  • You’re stuck in victim consciousness and not willing to take accountability for where you are + where you’re going.

  • You’re not ready to release your limitations.

  • You’re waiting for someone else to save you.

  • You're not ready to commit to showing up for yourself and becoming the change you desire to see.

  • You're not ready to embody the expansive life your soul is destined for.

  • You're not ready to embody your power and create change.

  • You’d rather stay safe, and dull and continue limiting your expression.

“We walk through the depths of your darkness in service of your liberation.

So you can alchemise your pain into your power + unlock your sacred potential”



  • This program is a live program, with additional pre-recorded practices and support materials.

    All calls will be recorded and added to our LeadHers Community HUB.
    Can’t make the call? Don’t worry, we’ve got you.

    There will be 24 live calls, with additional bonus calls and features throughout the program to support your transformation.

    In addition, there will be meditations, embodiment practices, and further resources in our community hub.

  • This program is for female leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs, and truly any woman who wants to step into her unlimited leadership potential. Women who are ready to create lives and businesses that are vehicles for the impact they want to see in the world. 

    It’s for women who know they’re ready to embody their full potential, release their limitations and stop holding themselves back from the life YOU know you’re born to live.

    It’s for the woman who is ready to have it ALL.

    The impact, success and influence without it costing you your life.

  • Ultimately, this programme is about expanding YOU into more of YOUR UNLIMITED capacity.

    One way we achieve this is by activating your spiritual pathways, allowing you to embody YOUR OWN guidance system and creative genius, in order to create soul-aligned impact.

    From a place of unwavering self-trust, inner knowing, and authenticity, this is truly the only way to ignite your full potential.

    If you’re new to the spiritual landscape, we simply ask that you come with an open mind, heart, and curiosity about how you can embody more of your unlimited potential.

    Ghislain supports women from all walks of life and beliefs, making her teaching accessible to all levels.

  • Answer me this: Do you feel like you’re living your full potential right now?

    Or are you holding yourself back from taking your next expansive step? Because you feel limited and you lack self-trust or confidence?

    Is your confidence, power and income growing month over month? Do you feel deeply embodied in who you are and how you show up in the world?

    That you’re unshakable when plot twists occur?

    Are you slaving away, scared at your desk that you're not getting the results no matter how much YOU’RE DOING?

    Or does the life and business you’ve designed crack your heart open in awe and have you pinching yourself saying HOLY F*CK this is the life I get to lead.

    Not to mention abundance flowing easily and effortlessly, with the best part being the amazing SOUL-ALIGNED clients you get to serve

    Do you feel like you are fully embodying your unlimited potential? Could you use powerful embodiment practices that help you release your limitations, embody your sacred power and show up with unfuckwithable confidence?

    If any of the following questions had you thinking “damn...that’s a good point!” this is

    for you ;)

  • This is completely natural, Ghislain always ensures she creates psychologically safe environments.

    We understand some women prefer to process experiences privately. If you fall into this category we recommend two of the following options.

    The first is you can turn your camera off and mute yourself during our live call. This way you can still partake in the group's live call, and energy, while receiving intuitive coaching and guidance from Ghislain as she tunes into all participants' energy while still maintaining your own privacy.

    As a second option you can watch the replay of any emotional embodiment sessions. This will allow you to process in your own time and space. If you need additional support or guidance, you can ask questions via our community hub.

  • You can ask questions and receive feedback and support from Ghislain through our LeadHERS community hub, time permitting there will be opportunities to ask questions at the end of live calls.

    Outside of this if you would like to schedule a 1:1 call with Ghislain this can be arranged for an additional investment.

  • This is somewhat up to you, however, the live calls and recordings are 90 minutes long and we recommend carving out an additional 30 minutes post-call for integration. Allow 1-2 hours for any Soul Work Ghislain gives you.

    Plan to dedicate approximately 3-5 hours per fortnight/ bi-weekly if you’re looking to get the best possible results.

    Know, there is no "right" way to move through this content. What makes our program unique is Ghislain’s facilitation style and the incredible transformative practices she creates for you.

    Committing to implementing the strategies and rituals you learn throughout this program is what’s going to catapult your success.

  • Great question! We define it as intuitive coaching, healing + spiritual guidance. 

    It’s a paid experience where Ghislain leads a group of women through a range of coaching, strategy, embodiment practices and healing experiences that guide you through your conscious and subconscious mind, and physical and energetic bodies to facilitate transformation and allow you to embody your power and potential.

    We work with mind, body and spirit to facilitate complete transformation.

  • Our approach is empowering, transformative and practical. From call one you will have practices to implement that will create immediate shifts.

    Combining the worlds of leadership, spirituality, energetics, embodiment and strategy, our facilitations transcend the limitations of the physical realm into the worlds of the energetic where we collapse time, empowering you with strategies to make your destiny your reality.

  • You will have 12 months of access to all calls and content.

  • Ghislain schedules calls at different times to be friendly to a wide range of time zones.

    The call schedule is released after you sign up, and Ghislain knows the lay of the land.
    We often schedule two calls to accommodate our US, European + Australian clients.

    If you can’t make a live call there is the opportunity to submit your questions ahead of time via our Community Hub.

  • There are no refunds, please read this sales page carefully as it is a very accurate reflection of what is included in this program.